Signature Scent design
With Kaethe Burt-O’Dea
Designing your aroma
A 1h + session – in your own time over a cup of herbal tea and honey.
We believe that scents can unlock deep connections to memory and provide a fascinating journey of personal discovery. We invite you to sample our extensive collection of essential oils at your leisure, following your instinct to create a blend that is uniquely your own. We support you in the process, providing advice about the strength and quality of the oils and will keep your signature scent recipe on file for you to replicate or adapt into the future.
“Creative blending is a aesthetic alchemical. a process of ‘learning to listen through the nose.’ To be receptive is to be empty. Every drop shifts the orchestration of olfactory vibrations, the ‘song’ of the blend. A blend is not made at once, rather it evolves. It organically grows and interacts, not only the essential oils, but also with the blender. (British Herbal Pharmacopoeia1983, p.14).”
You will come away with a 10 ml roller ball bottle of your signature scent - wrapped in gold paper in an organic cotton Bí Bag.
Is an independent healthcare design consultant based in Dublin, Ireland.
A diverse range of experience contributes to her research approach including careers in the arts, nursing, organic farming, product design, and cross-disciplinary sustainable design development.
Her consultancy, desireland, focuses on the socio-cultural relationships that influence human well-being within the built environment and the promotion of integrated healthcare systems.