Bee Stewardship Course
Become the queen bee
This holistic series highlights the importance of all 99 Irish bees: honeybees, solitary bees and Bumblebees. The course offers hands-on learning with the local beekeepers who supply Bí URBAN. You will come away with enough knowledge to set up your own honeybee colony
Bees and Human Health
An introduction to bees and their contributions to human well-being followed by a Honey Tasting session.
The Honeybee Apiary
Caring for honeybees: location, equipment, maintenance, disease control, the six products of the hive and their many uses.
Urban Beekeeping
Bees doing better in cities, why is this and what are the special challenges involved in maintaining an urban apiary?
Building for Bees
Bait Hives, Commercial Hives, Wild Bee boxes and recent Innovations (get up close to a Flow Hive) - A hands-on workshop.
Apiculture Outdoor Classroom
Learning Journeys to visit local urban honeybee apiaries and wild bee habitats. An introduction to wild bee monitoring and bee Hunting.
Gardening for bees and beekeeping for conservation
Field Trip to Tanguy de Tourgeot of Dunmore Country School, Durrow, Co Laois, who will introduce us to his research into chemical-free beekeeping methods.